Thursday, 20 October 2011

Tending to the Tangled Yarn

Hello my lovelies, how are you? I hope life is kind and pretty dreams are filling your slumber at night. First, let me just thank everyone who had been so wonderful and generous with their best wishes for me and my newborn. It's so good to come back blogging and find that you can always find great friends here. :)

Life, I must say, is a huge different book for me now. Nothing is the same. Seriously, my mom wasn't kidding when she said that I'd have a big amount of tangled yarn to tend to once the baby comes and having three children to take care of. Yep, I've had good days and not so good ones too...but I'm hanging in there, trying to take one step at a time, even when the last one I took left a huge mess to clean up after.

Off She Flew, pencils and digital mediums

Despite all that, I've been trying to sneak a few minutes of drawing here and there just to keep my hand (and head) from getting rusty. Funny how these moments mean so much now, especially in between diaper changing! Haha! I suppose things will work out better once I've mastered the new rhythm. :)

Anyway, I've also promised myself that having a new baby won't keep me away from blogging and running my online shops. So here are a few updates I'd like to share with you...

  New prints at The Wish Forest... (including Off She Flew above)

A special promotion still running...

...and a few discounted items for everyone. All available at my shop!

Well I'm off to tend to my tangled yarn. Hopefully I'll be able to have everything flowing smoothly very soon.

So wish me luck! (I know I'll need it).

Hugs to you,

Amalia, oxx


  1. You will manage fine my dear~~and love the new art!
    Hope things are going well with little one and soon baby will be toddling, then walking....
    It goes fast!
    Gather the yarn!


  2. Congrats on your newborn dear:) I'm glad to hear you're doing well. I hope managing your art and family (with the new cute addition:)) will become easier in time. I admire your spirit:)
    Beautiful illustrations (and you're far from getting rusty..hehe)

  3. Nice one. I like the little birdie.. he's being very helpful.

  4. Oh, sweet Amalia! I wish you good luck for you deserve it! I can't believe you've found time (and strength) to write and draw! What a beautiful, tender picture of motherhood... I like the composition, the colours and the symbolics of the yarn... Oh, and the blond hair, too!:)
    I cannot imagine how one can take care of three children... But when there's love, everything is easier, I suppose. And I'm sure you'll manage. You began a new story in the book of your life, let it be merry and happy!

  5. Ahh but the bird has flown h nest, but wait, it can find it's way back. :) I see you have lost none of your skill, ah to be an artistic multitasker - rather than an autistic multitasker.

    You are glowing in the photo. You look so h appy, proud and full of life.

    greetings and hugs from oz :)

  6. Haha I meant to say 'rather tha being an autistic mutitasker like me!"

    My keyboard skills are so good :)

  7. Amelia, you sound so so busy and still manage to make such beautiful art!! how amazing is that?
    xo sandra

  8. I totally missed your birth announcement! Congratulations on a wonderful addition to your family. Best wishes to you all.

  9. Be still my heart. She is beautiful! I love her pouffy dress. Of course, everyone needs a little helper . I hope you have two of your own. :)

    When life gets a little too harried, remember that it won't last forever. Before you know it, you'll have more time on your hands.


  10. 3 children, that is a lot of energy, smiles and tears to dance with. wishing you grace each step of the way. I love this piece, so charming, the nest and the bird, her hair is wonderful as is her lovely dress.

  11. Hey there, new mommy! How are you doing? I remember those days of babies and toddlers and all the demands on you every minute... but remember it's okay to take some "me" time for yourself and do your painting. Your children will be proud of that and respect you for it, and will follow your example in their own lives.

  12. Your work is stunning. Each piece a masterpiece!

  13. Ah! You are three times blessed! Babies are so wonderful. They grow up so fast, so enjoy them while you can still tell them what to do. I am so glad you find time to make beautiful art! Just try to have fun and enjoy everyday. Tsup!

  14. I had three and I can say that you will continue to have good days and bad, but the good will out weigh the bad and the bad will get fewer and further between. So now you have three sweet blessings that all grow up more quickly than you can imagine, so enjoy them. They'll be grown in the blink of an eye and you'll wonder where the time went. I can't say that you'll ever miss diapers though... beautiful work, as always Amalia. Hugs sweetie :)

  15. Rayyan is so beautiful! Congrats Amalia! I love his name too! Andrew told me that he was born but I hadn’t had the chance to pop over and congratulate you till now. CONGRATULATIONS! I really didn’t expect to see a new post from you so soon, but I’m glad I did. It is wonderful! I can see the love in her eyes. (wonder why:o) You are totaling amazing in your art and your life! God bless you Amalia and your beautiful family.

  16. Congratulations on your new prince! I'm so impressed that you're able to draw anything right now, especially such lovely things. Wishing you every happiness!

  17. .........always love your artworkssss xD

  18. Ah, you are in heaven, aren't you? I like to say when life is chaotic that "these are the days you know you are truly alive!"

  19. Hello, well is he talking yet? :) Can he work the tv, or better still the dishwasher ? :)

    Hope you are well and keeping well.

  20. Oh Amalia, I'm so behind, I didn't realise you'd had your baby! many, many congratulations to you all, sending lots of love and hugs.
    Jess ^^xx

  21. New here,loved your art very much! Nice to meet you.

  22. This blog is an excellent. I like your lovely cat paining. I so excited for watch mare It such a beautiful. I love it.

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  23. Congratulations on your new Prince! I'm so impressed that I was able to draw anything now, especially those beautiful things. I wish you every happiness!

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  24. Congratulations on your new Prince! I'm so impressed that I was able to draw anything now, especially those beautiful things. I wish you every happiness!
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  25. your pencil is really magic. Maybe that means you can also draw in all you need for you too. It is so expressive and wonderfully rendered.

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  26. You are amazing artist. You have done awesome art. I appreciate your art. I like most your first magical art.

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Tell me your lovely daydreams, they always make me smile! ♥