Saturday, 22 March 2014

Wandering into a Woodland Fantasy

Hello darlings. How are you? I have been away from this blog for a while, trying to sort out so many things in my life. I'm so sorry for being absent, I hope life is fabulous where you are. The good thing is though, I have been a loyal occupant of my studio, just working, working away day and night. When inspiration strikes, there's nothing else left to do but to follow...

As you can see, I have been drifting away in some kind of enchanted woodland fantasy. My head has been occupied by wandering free spirits and enigmatic creatures that whispered magical stories into my ears. It's rare that I get a flow of unstoppable urge to pour inspirations onto paper in a relatively short period of time (I finished all these in a matter of days!). And it's even more rare that I was able to work in peace without any significant interruptions. I can only thank God that my kids were surprisingly well behaved during those blissful days! :D

So what have you been up to these days? Has inspiration struck lately? Please, do share, I'd really love to hear it!

Much love,

PS: All these drawings are listed in my shop. Please click on the images to visit each link. Thank you! :)


  1. Your work has become even more stunning than ever! These are so beautiful, you've really captured the feeling of warmth and protection with the bear. It's so lovely that your inspiration came just at the right time. :) I had a couple of days last week when I was very productive but I now need the time to do the ones that are still lurking in my head! Lets hope the coming week will be a little quieter. ;)
    Jess xx

  2. Thank you, Jess. That means a lot coming from you. I often wonder what it's like for artists that have all the time to themselves... it must be so peaceful to just create every single day with no interruptions. ;)

  3. cakep! udah lama banget ga kesini :D
    kemarin2 ke toko buku sempet liat ada beberapa buku yang sampulnya dibikin ama lia. sukses ya!

    1. Ella, makasih ya! Udah lama ngga "ketemu"... ;)

  4. Beautiful work!!! I know how it is to try and work with kids!!! Sometimes I wonder how it would be if I had all my time for myself!!!!

  5. Hi Efi, thanks for the visit! So nice to meet another mommy artist! :)

  6. Stunning beauties! You are the master of hauntingly beautiful eyes. I love the texture of the bear's fur. But the little fox girl! I have not stopped swooning. Ahhhhhh

  7. These are amazing!!


Tell me your lovely daydreams, they always make me smile! ♥