Saturday, 6 November 2010

Sow Your Light #4

This is my fourth drawing for the Mentawai-Merapi donation... I hope this girl brings you peace and opens your heart.

And thank you for all of you who have been kind and generous enough to purchase all my previous drawings for the donation. Bless you!


Sow Your Light #4
Original drawing
Size: A4
( not including shipping cost)

***** SOLD to a dear friend *****


  1. Yes Yes Yes, Amalia! I will go pay for her right now. I keep trying and I always seem to be too late. This one is mine! And she is a beauty!! It's a win-win deal ~ I get one of your drawings and those people in need will receive a donation to help them. Thank you for doing this, Amalia. There is much kindness in your heart.
    ♥ audrey

  2. Amalia darling woman, why do you not do prints of these so more of us can purchase them?!?

    I am always too late!
    Will be on a sharp lookout for the next one.

    Smiles and hugs and hoping you are maintaining during this difficult time.


Tell me your lovely daydreams, they always make me smile! ♥