Saturday, 14 November 2009


Fourteen years ago, I met someone who showed me so many valuable lessons in life. She was the most giving, warm, honest and free spirited person that I have ever met. Never pretentious, always ready to lend both hands to whomever needed her and never expecting any reward for her sincerity. She was a good friend to so many people. She was the only true friend I have ever known.

In 2006 she passed on at the age of 30, after what seemed like a long and painful battle with cancer. That day I felt a very large part of my soul ripped away from me and the hollowness has lingered on for so many years, leaving an empty spot that will always remain within.

Farewell Andia my dearest friend, you will forever stay in my heart...

A blow of wind danced across the sea
Touching each wave with her cool breeze
The free spirit that travelled far
Flying high beyond the sky

She sang with the birds in beautiful melodies
Taking away all sorrow and grief
A tender touch that lingered in the air
Embracing the soul in warm loving care

The blow of wind danced into the night
Answering to the voice that came from the light
She whispered a song in peaceful bliss
Wiping all tears with her gentle kiss

-Amalia, January 2006-


  1. ah.
    yg bener nih teh, jangan basa-basi buat nyenengin hati aku doang... secara yg ngomong adalah the true artist :D
    ntar aku bilangin si bos loh.

  2. Dear Amalia, recently I lost a friend of me in the same way...horrible, very similar to your experience... I love the drawing... and by this way I wanted to invite you for my First Giveaway, you are very welcom on my blog!
    Love, Kathy

  3. Dear Kathy, I'm sorry about your friend-I'm sure your experience is similar to mine. And thanks so much for the invite :)

  4. Dear Amalia, aku tadi lewat rumah harendong...

  5. loh Teh, aku baru nyadar kamu ada jacketflap juga?
    aku juga ada loh tapi ga pernah dimaenin lagi, selaen ga ngerti caranya (kaya yg ribet gitu sih males jadinya) trus aku lupa lagi passwordnya apaan yah x(
    bodo ah.

  6. Hello Amalia,
    Thank you for your beautiful comment you posted on my work!

  7. What a beautiful and fitting tribute!

  8. Oh Amalia, I am so sorry for your loss of your dear, dear friend. This is such a beautiful tribute to her. I hope that there's comfort to you by painting and honoring her this way. Hugs to you.

  9. A beautiful illustration for the memory of your friend

  10. Amalia, It´s so beautiful and magic.
    I love the movement, the girl, the colour...


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