I have always been intrigued by names and their meanings. How different cultures and origins affect them, but most of all, how sometimes they seem to affect personalities in a very mysterious way. The relation of names and personalities even go back thousands of years, when Romans simply believed that
nomen est omen, which basically means "names are destiny". And Muslims also believe that a name is a prayer, where a person's image and personality is mirrored by the choice of their names. It is said that psychologically, our names affect the way we feel about ourselves, which somehow determine (in many cases) the course of our paths in life.
So have you ever wondered what's the meaning behind your name? Let's ponder at these...
Amanda: worthy of love.
Andrew: manly, courageous.
Anne: gracious.
Bella: beautiful.
Brian: strong one.
Cecilia: the way for the blind (also from St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music)
Heather: a flowering plant (a very pretty one too!)
Julia: youthful.
Jack: God is gracious (diminutive from John)
Jessica: rich, God beholds.
Karen: pure.
Krista: Christ bearer.
Lauren: crowned with laurel.
Nicola: victorious people
Rossichka: tiny drop of dew, diminutive from Rossitsa (she told me!).
Shirley: bright meadow.
Tammie: palm tree (taken from Tamara, symbolizing beauty and fruitfulness).
Vanessa: butterfly (Oooo...pretty!)
...and my name, Amalia, means '
hardworking'... (*????!!*). Hhm, No wonder I feel tired all the time. (^_^)
These are just some examples of the names I'm familiar with, and
my source is just one from hundreds (or maybe thousands?) to choose from. Although similar, a name may have different meanings according to cultural backgrounds and origins.
And of course, many people also believe that a name is just a name. That a person's name bears no significance to their personality and destiny. It's all just a matter of choice. After all,
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." (Shakespeare)
Well, if you don't like your name, you could always change it.
Have a glorious weekend, everyone!
Hardworking, oxox ♥♥♥
PS: Anyway, just out of curiosity, what name would you give the lady in my painting up there? Any ideas?