As you can see, I've had some whimsical characters running around in my head, and these two are mere teeny fractions from the gigantic jumble of ideas I have in my head! First one up there with the brown satchel bag is Katie the Bookworm, holding a miniature book of my Little Red Riding Hood. And that guy with the dashing mustache? Well, he's the town's friendly baker, Luigi (never seen without his warm yummy baguette).
And of course, a whimsy land will not be complete without its own beloved royalties! Meet our lovely Whimsylandia Prince and Princess... they are especially soft and kind for your gentle heart. :)
These bunnies are made out of wool blend felt, all hand cut, hand sewn and stuffed by yours truly! Now I realize that doll making is something new to me and I've had no past experience in making them. But I always believe that if you can imagine them, you can create them. All it takes is vision, creativity, patience and oodles of will power. LOL! :D
Anyway, I'm offering a FREE 8x10 art print from my art shop, The Wish Forest, for purchases of $50 and over at Whimsylandia. Hope to see you there! ;)