Which is probably why, I like to incorporate "age" into my art. There is something very delicious about tinting and rubbing colors to make my work look aged and worn out. Each effect seems to add a little bit of character to the piece. Just like this portrait I made, based on one of my all time favorite books, Jane Eyre.
It all started with a simple black and white sketch...a little smudging here and there...
...followed by layers and layers of paint, each one light in consistency, to achieve a more deep and solemn finish.
And of course, what's a painting session without some coffee staining? I know, I know. I use too much of it sometimes, I think it's just an excuse for me to have my studio smelling wonderfully of coffee. :)
So anyway, I hope you've enjoyed that brief peek into my studio life. I know I haven't been much of a blogger lately, but I've had quite a few requests from some of you to share previews of my work process. So there you have it. Until next time, lovelies! :)
Much love,

Note: Portrait of Jane is available at The Wish Forest.