Saturday, 24 March 2012

Adora in the Sky

Meet Adora. She was born on October 2009. Since then, her loving parents have commissioned over 270 artists from around the world and published their work on a special site dedicated to their little miracle called Adorable.

You know, just when I thought I've seen so many inspiring stories on the internet, I turn around and stumble into another one like Adora's. I'm so lucky to have been able to take part in their project. Hugs and kisses to you, Adora, may you grow up to be a beautiful sparkling star in the sky!



  1. Your version of her is perfect....a dream come to life, just as she was for her parents....done in your signature, magical style :)

  2. Adora is adorable and looks just like my youngest granddaughter! So cute!

  3. What a beautiful portrait - I'm off to check out the site now. ♥

  4. Adora is a lucky girl to be so adored. Lovely portrait!

  5. It's amazing! love it a lot =)

  6. sweet! This is so cute Amalia, you did a wonderful job on it.

  7. this is quite charming Amalia! such a wonderful portrait, the family must be entirely thrilled with it!

  8. Awwwwwwwwwww!!! What a beautiful and touching portrait! She is a dream and yes, absolutely adorable!

  9. Now that is a face I could love!

  10. Your portrait is beautiful and full of gentleness. My goodness!

  11. Oh how precious she is! Thank you for sharing this, and I'm glad you got to participate in something so special.

  12. Hey, well you are on a roll my friend, and a beautiful level headed roll it is --- okay, I know you don't read your comments so today you get a very bad joke from me ...

    Why did the toilet roll down the hill?

    A:To get to the bottom of things!

    as told to me by a six year old kid, we both thought it was very very funny - his mother didn't though...


Tell me your lovely daydreams, they always make me smile! ♥