My dear friends,
It's been raining everyday where I am, and it looks like the monsoon season is starting early this year, even the thunders confirmed it last night. Funny isn't it? Just when you think the storm has finally died down, the clouds suddenly seem to have gathered again. It makes you appreciate those short peaceful moments after the rain even more than before.

I think for many people, including myself, this is a constantly repeating theme of our life. The paths we take and how we choose to live them, forms a pattern that we have to face everyday. Sometimes creating a balance, but many times becoming a domino effect that never seems to end. Such is the story of my life. All because of a decision I made over five years ago, to finally embrace my passion fully and promised myself never to look back. It's one crucial decision that I should have taken at the beginning, long before I started a family. To be quite honest, ever since that day my life has been a never ending marathon, against time and obstacles.

Of course, I try to take everything as positively as I possibly can. It's not easy to build a career and raise children at the same time. When the economy is unstable around the world and bar of expectations is set up high, there's not much left to do but to worry. Sometimes all I want to do is crawl under my bed and just stay there. Yes, it's true. Not all is fine and dandy, not all is calm and pretty. But haven't we all been there? Does it ever stop you from trying even harder? All I know is that the storm will always come and go. The dominoes will probably keep on falling and the finish line is way, way up there behind the horizon. Right now, the marathon continues and all I have is a pocketful of hopes and a vision of how I dream my life to be at the end of this race.
Unsent Messages is a series of thoughts, memories, feelings or experiences in life that I started to write a few years ago. It's been a while since I last written one and today, without warning, the need of letting go suddenly felt strong. I intend to write more of these messages. Some may be about me personally, some may be inspired by stories of others.
Thank you (you know who you are) for the truly inspiring conversation we had the other day. It made me think about how much life has toughened me inside out and to thank my lucky stars for always shining its light at the most concealed paths. Just when I needed them most.
With love,