To me,
Life is a bountiful journey of lessons.
It teaches you to be patient,
to hope, to grieve, to endure
and find faith even in the darkest of places.
It is a book of wisdom that shows all your faults and triumphs.
A fountain that quenches your thirst under the scorching sun.
Your life is a mirror, that reflects nothing but yourself.
Who you are, who you want to be and the person you have become.
The image you see is never frozen, it changes with every action and expression.
To me, my life has been a journal of sketches.
Full of marks and erased lines,
uncertain visions and cherished drawings.
It is my treasure, my legacy.
A blessed gift that will continue to be a teacher,
In sorrow and happiness.
I hope the closing year has been a magnificent journey to you, dear friends. My love and best wishes to everyone for the coming chapter!
God bless,