Given the state of mind and emotional changes I went through over the past few months, I have noticed some drastic developments in my work. It was to be expected, of course. Like all sudden changes, I had my share of hard times dealing with them. And like many times before, learning to accept them is usually the easier way to go...
Those of you who have continued following my posts over at Instagram may have seen this change. Is it temporary or permanent? That question stays unanswered until today. All I know is that my work, myself both as a person and an artist is a working progress. I don't think any of us stays the same through time. Our world, the people in our lives and the personal experiences we encounter will continue to shape us as a person. Maybe this is one of the bumps in the road that have truly shaken me, enough to wake me up completely and really look around with open eyes.
I don't suppose I'll see the last of these changes. For better or worse, I know that the only way to do now is to embrace it. Because again, it is how it is. It is who I am.
Have you ever experienced anything like this before? If so, please share your stories here with us. I know we can only benefit from them.
Your friend,